Team Matador – Insights Into A Unique World

At first sight you might be forgiven for thinking that a Matador masterclass is anything but a team acivity.
In fact a Matador is part of an instrinsical team of taurine professionals each with a dedicated role, with its own customs and traditions that bring that make possible this most unique of Iberian cultural forms.

Your team is invited into their world for a unique insight into a much misunderstood but well known feature of Spanish life.

The Matador is at the apex of a tea structure that dates back thousands of years with each person playing a vital role to the success of the Matador.



Your team will be given an eye-opening insight into that world where you will see at first hand the value of each.

The venue is one of the Madrid’s region’s most celebrated bullfighting ranches where you will be given a personal tour through the pastures to see the Toro Bravos in their element.

Following this a 1 hour masterclass from the Matador and team as to their role and how they approach each fight which at the end is about making the supreme judgement which could mean life or death.

The bullring is then open to you and your team for an innovative practice run where you will learn the skills for movement and choreography so central to a well performed corrida.

You are one click away from living a wonderful experience