Prior to the ‘games’ beginning, our coaching leaders help your group suggest a topic or theme, identifying key points and roles for team members. They will also supply all props required. Your group is split into smaller role play groups, with each group having the chance to become both observant audience members and role play participants – as well as have some fun!

Introduce a unique way for group members to interact; our ‘improv’ theatre sessions automatically become a shared lesson in comedic fun! Our team leaders help draw prompts from ‘audience’ members, to produce improv theatre games, ‘shorts’ or sketches. The performed scenes are unplanned and unscripted… and are created spontaneously by the performers in the group. The very nature of this activity tends to result in much hilarity, performed in a welcoming, vibrant and supportive environment.

Prior to the ‘games’ beginning, our coaching leaders help your group suggest a topic or theme, identifying key points and roles for team members. They will also supply all props required. Your group is split into smaller role play groups, with each group having the chance to become both observant audience members and role play members. Aside from laughter and relaxation, role play allows group members the chance to get to know anecdotal information about each other, promoting honesty among co-workers.

Produce a musical piece without instruments; body percussion is an activity which everyone can enjoy. Create experimental rhythmic sounds and music with various parts of the body – clapping, foot stomping, finger snapping and many more – this workshop is great fun and full of energy. We’ll split your group into smaller sections, with each group creating their own compositions. We’ll then ‘come together’ towards the end of the session to create a group performance. This is an ideal team building event, in that it keeps attendees engaged and their bodies and minds active, while still focusing on the core team building message of group unity.


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