Jamon Jamon Team Challenge

The 19th century English traveller, Richard Ford — whose seminal work on Spain, A Handbook for Travellers in Spain, published in 1845 wroteThe pork of Spain has always been, and is, unequalled in flavour; the bacon is fat and flavoured, the sausages delicious, and the hams transcendentally superlative…”


The cured jamon that is now famous around the world has a pedigree going back to Roman times.

Whether the reason why the cured jamon leg is so prominently displayed in Spanish households is related to the Medieval pure blood laws of the Inquisition is a moot but fascinating point but regardless it has been a spur to making it the quintessential Spanish food of today.

Whilst Spanish households have long got used to its cutting and being able to tell the difference between breeds, regional and breeding varieties for newcomers we offer a masterclass with an introduction to the jamon and the many insights into how to produce the most sought after legs for a unique teambuilding activity in Madrid.

The two hour activity will be led by a master practitioner who will guide you through the many varieties for a tasting quiz and jamon cutting competition with paired wines to enjoy the occasion.

Get in touch

SPAIN + 34 619 858 399


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